Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Facebook Timeline – My Thoughts

Could someone please explain to me why Facebook is FORCING users to change to the new timeline? I started using Facebook because MySpace FORCED their new format on their users and now I feel like Facebook is doing the same exact thing! I’ve seen the new timeline and I HATE IT!!! It reminds me of why I left MySpace and trust me, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am connected to several old friends from my childhood I would leave Facebook as well.

I can’t tell you the number of people who I’ve talked to who hate the timeline as much as I do but no one writes in because those of you in the corporate offices NEVER LISTEN TO THE LITTLE PEOPLE. You all are just as bad as the government, you just shove your program down our throats and expect us to like it and not say a word and that’s not right.

You’re original concept for Facebook is what set you apart from MySpace and now you’re going to look just like them. Is that really what you want? To look like the old outdated social network that no one likes or uses any more because if it’s not then my suggestion to you would be to NOT FORCE us to use the new timeline.