Tuesday, July 2, 2024

In All Things, Be Ye Thankful


A lot of people think I’m a very negative person
because I have very strong opinions on things
and I don’t back down. Occasionally I will bend
but that’s only to keep the peace in whatever
situation I happen to find myself in. That being said,
if anyone truly knew me they would know that my
personal motto for life is: “In all things be ye thankful.” 
I suppose the closest thing I can find in the scriptures
for this is the following verse: 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 
16) Rejoice evermore. 
17) Pray without ceasing. 
18) In every thing give thanks: for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Most people only know me from my interviews
that are posted on YouTube for my ‘80’s Nickelodeon
blog (just look for Peggy Sue Clay and at least two
or three videos will come up) - (There is also one for
my book that is on Amazon.),  but none of y’all know
me in real life and that’s what I want to talk about, real life. 

So in real life I am a woman in my mid 50’s who has
been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, apparently it’s
like the worst of the worst. I also have high blood pressure,
I am on housing assistance and disability. Last year, in
2023, the rental agency I was renting from canceled my
housing assistance contract. They didn’t want to make the
repairs necessary to comply with their contract so they
canceled it and I was forced to move after living in that
house for 16 ½ years. 

I was terrified, I honestly thought that I was going to be
homeless and after moving back to my hometown in
1999 I got a lota stuff! And that was after throwing out
a lot of stuff. So long story short the Lord found me a
house. The owner called me and said he’d heard I needed
a house and after a few back and forth with the housing
agency I was able to move into this house at the beginning
of October 2023. 

The very cool thing about this house is that it is a street
and a half over from where I grew up! The park that I
played in as a child is across the street from my backyard,
and even cooler than that is that my cousin Frankie and
his wife Kendall are only, literally two minutes away! 

So fast forward to tonight, July 2nd. The other day when
I was in the shower I nicked the inside of my right leg when
I was trying to shave my legs. Tonight I had an inch on that
same leg so I bent down to scratch it. The next thing I knew
that little nick was spewing blood! I won’t get into the details
but it was starting to look like they filmed a horror movie over here. 

I did my best to put pressure on it but it wasn’t working,
in fact it looked like it was getting worse. I’m not proud
of this but I panicked a little and I couldn’t move and blood
was flowing so fast I just couldn’t stop it. So I looked around
and used my cain to pull the roll of masking tape to me, then
I got a ton of napkins and put them on there and tried to make
like a homemade bandage. I couldn’t reach the house phone
so I used my cell phone and called my cousin Frankie and his
wife and asked if they could come, “NOW! PLEASE!” When he
got here he assessed the situation and decided that we needed
to call an ambulance and they came out and bandaged
my leg (hence the picture). 

So I said all of that to say this: What the enemy used for
my harm, forcing me to have to move, the Lord used it for
my good because if I had been in the other house my cousin
wouldn’t have been able to get there as quickly as he could here.
Plus, the other rental agency probably would have made
me pay for new carpet for that living room out of my own
pocket. But, as you can see in the picture, I have laminate
floors here so my cousin was able to clean it with bleach
and everything is fine. 

Praise God for putting me in the amazing, beautiful house
that is so close to where I grew up and so close to my family.
Mamma may be with the Lord but my cousin and I are close
and I’m so thankful for him, his wife and the EMTs for
helping me. - In all things, be ye thankful.