This is a personal blog where I can share my thoughts about life in general and to talk about some of my favorite memories.
How does your personal life experience inform your
learned that in order for me to be a good writer I have to be able to take
experiences from my own life and examine them in new ways. Metaphorically
speaking, I pick them up and examine them. Then I turn them upside down and
look at them again. I keep turning them around until I can use what I’ve
learned to create the best story possible. – In other words, there will always
be a little bit of me in every one of my stories. When people read my books, I
want them to ask themselves, “Did the REALLY happen, or is it
just a story?” The simple answer is it’s a bit of both. The trick is to get the
balance just right so that no one will know which is which.
What inspired you to write this book?
My first book was simply a story that I
wanted to tell. My second book will be faith based and it’s an easy way to talk
about subjects in a non-threatening way and easy way. Both books are very
different but so far people seem to like my style so changing things up a bit
is a good thing.
What was the biggest challenge you faced while
writing this story?
block!!! My first book took seven years to write. I
knew what I wanted to say and where the characters were going but it was trying
to figure out how to get them there that was the challenge. Thankfully,
writer’s block hasn’t been as big a challenge for my second book.
How did you develop your main characters?
took a lot of time to think about who my characters were and what voice I
wanted them to have. I took a copious amount of notes for each one, who they
were, who was in their lives. I had to consider what jobs did they had and what
their family dynamics were and how, if they took this action or that how it
would affect those around them.
Which character did you find most interesting to
write about?
the bad guy for sure. But it’s that always how it goes with writers? The leads
were challenging because the focus was always on them, but I had to make that
guy nasty, and I wanted the readers to really hate him that way when they got
the end it would all make sense.
What themes are you trying to explore in this
first book was just a story I wanted to tell buy my second book will be focused
on Spiritual warfare.
How did you research the setting or subject matter?
had to think about each character and who I wanted them to be, and this goes
for both of my books so far. Who are they? Once I figure that out, I can set
them in their proper settings. In first book my leading lady is a waitress, so
she was set in a café, her home and so forth. My second book is spiritually
based so naturally it’s about a church and the community. Who goes there and
what are their jobs and add them accordingly.
Were there any significant changes made from your
initial outline to the final draft?
don’t work from outlines; I just get the ideas in my head and start writing and
then editing as I go. But I’m constantly editing which will be explained
farther in the next question.
What is your writing routine like?
watch those movies, or TV shows where the writer sits down at their laptop or
their typewriter and just starts clacking away? Yeah, that is so NOT me! I
write the old-fashioned way. I, very literally, pull
out a pencil, a good eraser and a spiral notebook and start writing. My most
creative time is right before bed so every night I sit on the edge of my bed,
notebook in front of me, TV on in the background for white noise and I write
until I get tired. Sometimes I write several pages and sometimes it’s only a
paragraph or two.
Later, when I start typing it up, I start
editing. As I’m typing I used the “Read Aloud” feature in my Word program so
that I can hear how the story flows and to check for spelling. (Where would we all
be without spell check?!)
When I’m finished, I will change my setting to double space and email it to the printers. They print out two copies which they spiral bind it for me, then I take one copy and give the other one to my friend. As we read through the story, we look for spelling errors, how things are worded, etc. We edit these copies by hand then I will go in and make the changes on my computer. After that I send it to someone who formats it and gets it ready for publishing.
While all of that is going on I’m in contact with my graphic artist who takes my vision and creates it digitally. – I actually designed the cover for my first book and will for my second book as well, but he does the digital work on them to get them ready for publishing.
How do you overcome writer's block?
I just never stop thinking about my story and
where I want it to go, and I just try to figure out how to get my characters
where they need to be. And of course, I pray and ask the Lord for His help.
That may sound silly to those who are not in the faith, but it works for me.
What are you working on now?
working on a faith-based book which will focus on spiritual warfare. It’s about
a church who learns how to put their trust in the Lord and stand on His
promises; because if they don’t it could cost them their lives. – And almost
Do you have any plans to write a sequel to this book?
been considering a sequel to my first book but haven’t worked out the kinks
yet; but a couple of fans of mine have asked me to so I’m considering it quite
heavily. Not sure about the second book yet.
What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
If you have a story you want to tell, then tell it in the best way you can. Research your topics. Take lots of notes, as in writing things down and put them in a folder or notebook to keep them handy. – While doing this remember to have extra led for your pencils, a good eraser, and a few paperclips (trust me).
DON’T try to sit at a
computer and write because it will only make you freeze. If I had tried to do that,
I never would have written one word. Do things the old school way, get out a
pencil and paper and write. Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation or
sentence structure, just write! You can fix all of that later when you start
typing it up. And YOU type it up, don’t give it to someone to do for you. When
you do it will give you a perspective that you didn’t have before, and it can
help you edit things and tighten up the loose ends and it will help you to
become disciplined and focused.
What are you most excited about regarding the release
of this book?
excited for the Believers, the Christians, to read my book because it’s not
just a book to read and put down and say, “Well that was a nice story.” No,
this book will be something different. I want this to be a book they can use in
their bible studies, something that will help them to deepen their relationship
with Christ. Yes, I realize that sounds like a lot but when they see the book
in print they will understand.
Is there anything else you’d like to add that I
haven’t covered?
Yes, there is. There are a lot of good and talented people in this town. Not just writers, and singers, and actors, I’m talking about every day, hardworking people. People who are working their butts off for their families and never get any credit for it. I’d like to say to all of you and to anyone who reads these words, Thank you!
Thank you for your love, your passion, your hard work. Congratulations on all of the achievements you’ve accomplished in your life that you should have gotten credit for but didn’t. Not just for those accomplishments but for working your job every single day to provide for your families. That takes hard work too and you deserve to be recognized for that. Life is hard and we need to say, “Good job,” and “Congratulations,” and “Well done,” and “Way to go!,” to those people!
are one of those people who feel invisible just like I do, then my love and
prayers and everything I’ve said above goes to you! To those parents who are
trying to provide for your families. The first responders and military who work
so hard for us. To those cashiers at the store. To those folks who work in
convenience stores and everyone who needs some love, thank you and job well
Peggy Sue Clay
Paperback: October 2, 2022
Katie is torn between the two men she loves the most while trying to juggle work, friends, and an attempt on her life.
a small bump in the road a few months ago, Katie’s life was fairly uneventful;
that is, until an old friend of her brother’s is killed. After the funeral her
life is turned completely upside down as she is confronted with her past which
results in her having to flee the city for her safety. Can the killer be
stopped? Find out!