Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fear Can Be Good

Fear Can Be Good

This evening on my way home from prayer I realized something. I realized that it’s okay to be scared, or nervous, to do something. Now most Christians will tell you that fear is wrong and that’s it’s of the devil and to rebuke it, but hold on hear me out.

When you’re scared, or nervous, about something it means that you’re not going into something half hazard. It means that you’re putting some thought into your decision because you don’t want to step out and be wrong. In that sense then fear can be a good thing.

So, my advice would be to take one step and stop. And if the ground doesn’t crumble underneath you then take one more step, stop, and wait. And you keep doing this until you know that the ground under you is solid; and then you run towards what you want!

Don’t be afraid to run towards what you want because you might just find out that it’s running towards you too.

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