KSWO7News – Monday, June 9, 2014
Migrant children are expected
to arrive at Fort Sill by the end of the week.
"Fort Sill to Start
Housing Migrant Kids This Week" June 09, 2014
“Senate Panel Gives $2 Billion
for Child Immigrants”
By ALICIA A. CALDWELL June 10, 2014
http://www.kswo.com/story/25742279/senate-panel-gives-2-billion-for-child-immigrants#.U5dnNEqRli0.facebook"Opposition Surrounding Undocumented Children Coming To Ft. Sill" June 09, 2014
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
What exactly is the deal with
this? I barely heard the story the other night on the news but my question is,
who are these kids? Where did they come from? If they’re illegally then why
aren’t they being shipped back to their own country, why do WE have to flip the
bill to take care of them?!!! Where are their parents? Are we just going to let
these illegal children grow up here so that when they get old enough they can
kill us as a thank you?!?!?!!! And why aren’t we taking care of our own first?!
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – Really kill us!!!
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014 – Yes, really!
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – So you know there future
Stephanie – Monday, June 9, 2014
I agree!! No one knows what
these people are capable of! But even then why should WE have to house THEM?!
No...they should go back to their own country
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014
Peggy Sue they are Gods
CHILDREN FRIST! Should they been aborted. HERE!!!!!
Debra – Monday, June 9, 2014
MacInnes I agree ... Just saw
on the news that over 8000 Oklahoma children are homeless. Why isn't anyone
helping them. I'm sure they would love a good meal, a nice bed and roof over
their head while someone looks for family members or foster homes. This is
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – I will pray for you!!!
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
Patricia I’m always up for
prayer in fact when Apostle Jackson asks who needs prayer I go up if I needed
but if you can’t see how wrong this is then you’re the one who needs prayer not
me. And it amazes me how blatantly ignorant those who call themselves
“Christians” can be.
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – These people
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – Very classy people
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
LOL Well good deal, at least
I know the Lord won't forget my name!
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014
All children should be taken
care of!!!! These children do not speak English, and separated from there
parents. It amazes me what good old Christian people say......
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
Ya know Patricia, it's really
sad that you can't see that Americans should be helping our own people first.
Yes they're kids but they need their parents just like American children do. So
we should send them back to those parents not making it easier for more
illegals to enter this country.
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014
Try to place yourself in that
situation or your child Yes you are so much need of prayer Peggy Sue!!!!! I
will pray for your ignorant soul! Because you to are a child of God to!!!! Love
they neighbor Peggy Sue!!!
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
Wow you are seriously
ridiculous. They should be shipped home. PERIOD! We don’t need their parents
coming over here and given amnesty just so that they can seal more American
jobs and kill more American citizens. Oh I’m sorry but maybe that’s what you
want. MORE Americans killed like in 911 or the how about what happened in
Boston?! I’m telling you, this is an open gate and it won’t stop with just
these “precious children of God!” You mark my words, this will be nothing but a
nightmare for the United States and I’m sorry Patricia, I’m truly sorry that
you don’t have the good sense to see that!!!
IF the government were THAT
concerned for “the children” then they would shut down Planned Parenthood and
make abortion illegal!!! But do they do that? NO THEY DON’T THEY GIVE CONDOMS
TO SIXTH GRADERS!!! Why worry about having sex at such a young age b/c if you
get pregnant, well hey, no worries, you can LEGALLY MURDER YOUR BABY!!!
But it's “all about the kids”
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014
Peggy Sue they are Gods
CHILDREN FRIST! So let's pray for them. American children and foreign. Hate is
contagious, but Love is God and so much more Powerful! I can see I will not
soften your Heart. And that is okay I will pray you never suffer or have any
love ones that ever suffer in this way. Have a Bless Day!
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014
Wow that's sad, I was talking
about you! It's called "tough love" honey, perhaps you've never heard
of it?!
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014
Like I said HATE is very CONTAGIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014 – SO IS IGNORANCE!!!
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – YES YOU ARE!!!!!
Patricia Arreola – Monday, June 9, 2014 – I'm outta here!!!!
Peggy Sue Clay – Monday, June 9, 2014 – Bout time!
Victoria Marie Alexis Lopez – Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Y'all are idiots first off
most of these kids probably have morals Ndebele respect that a lot of Americans
do not have anymore oh and most crime is American on American also the Oklahoma
bombing white guy I believe so don't blame or judge these kids.
Peggy Sue Clay – Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Wow, another one, why am I not surprised?
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