Friday, January 30, 2015

Silence! – April 18, 2013

It’s 11:59:59 on the time clock of God. Are you ready for the end? Here is a dream that I had in 2013. At the time I didn’t understand it but since then the Lord has opened my eyes to the things that are happening in the world today. If this dream speaks to you and you would like to give your life to the Lord or if you would like to know more about the end times please visit my friend Evangelist Anita Fuentes’ website and let the Holy Spirit minister to you.  

Open Your Eyes People


God Bless you,

Peggy Sue

Silence! – April 18, 2013

This morning I woke up at 8:50AM in almost a panic. My breathing was heavy and all I could think in my mind was, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! What was that?”

Okay so here it is.

It was daytime and I was in, what felt like a coffee shop. I was sitting at the counter or table drinking my coffee and looking out the large windows when I saw a flying saucer.

It flew into sight and I watched it fly over then I ran to the back window to watch it. Beside it came, what looked like, two flying busses. The saucer went invisible and one of the busses flew into it while the other landed, kinda like they were coming and going.

The one landed and people started to spill out of the bus but from the driver’s side. They didn't look normal, they had a very strange look in their eyes and walked weird. I would equate it to somewhat of a “zombie” look and feel. They still looked like normal human beings but you could tell that something was “off” and they had a strange zoned out look in their eyes.

I ran to the counter and grabbed my things and all of the sudden this little boy kind of appeared. Not out of thin air but he was sitting there beside my books and purse. He looked “off” as well with a sinister or dark look about him; kind of haunting.. He was around five or six, possibly seven, with blond hair and blue eyes. There was also an old lady with him but on the other side of me; kind of like his grandmother.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out to my car. There was panic everywhere and as I drove down the street I called my friend Tammy. I told her that I was coming over and that I needed her to start praying over her house and pleading the blood of Jesus over it and sealing it because of that I had to tell her. She kept asking questions, none of which I remember, but I kept saying, “Please Tammy, if you ever loved me as your best friend PLEASE pray over your house and pray that I can get there! PLEASE!!!” I was terrified. When I got off the phone with her that little boy was sitting beside me on the middle console of my car! There was an old lady right behind me. How did they get in my car?!

I shoved them out of the passenger’s side and tried to keep driving but I got caught up in traffic and then I was in a crowd. They kept mocking me. The boy and the old lady were there but then a younger woman, perhaps in her late teens or very early 20’s, came towards me. She was wearing what looked like a blue hospital gown. She had redish-brown hair cut just above her shoulders that was wild and unkept and she staggered a bit asking me if I had a tissue. She had the same sinister zombie look to her, they all did.

I shoved her away telling her that I didn't have a tissue and to leave me along but she kept bothering me. Then two surly looking men approached me one black and one white. The white guy sat in the seat behind me and black man in front of me. They were mocking me and teasing me and I kept trying to get away from there but it felt like I was on a bus and couldn't get away.

The next thing I knew they grabbed me and drug me away and threw me in a room. I kept trying to scream, “JESUS!” over and over again but when I opened my mouth little to nothing came out. I kept trying to quote, “Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” But the word “Jesus” barely came out of my mouth. I was pointing at them and trying to speak and nothing.

Finally I woke up saying, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” And asking the Lord what that was about.

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