Thursday, March 31, 2016

Right Now In The Secret Place God Is Preparing A Generation Of Ezekiels

From: Spiritual Warfare
Right now, in the secret place, God is preparing a generation of Ezekiels. They are nameless, faceless voices.

He is plucking them from office jobs and universities, from tattoo parlors and bars, from dry churches and kitchens where they cook dinner with a baby on their hip, from the mission field and the prayer room. He's whispering to them in the night, shaking their circumstances and erasing the lines of their neatly drawn comfort zones.

They are learning to walk through fire. They are forsaking fear and falling madly back in love with their First love. They are being ruined to everything else, spoiled by His presence. They won't want the world ever again, not after what they've seen and felt Him do.

They will be a peculiar people, an upside down people. Turning the other cheek to their enemy, blessing those who curse them, giving everything they've got to those who can't give anything back. They will make Jesus' name famous by choosing the altar over the audience.

They will live a laid down life, broken and poured out like an alabaster box. They will not forget what they were rescued from, and will live with reckless abandon for the one whom they call Savior.

They will raise an army of dry bones to life with the Power of the Almighty they've submitted to. Signs and wonders will follow them and favor will be bound to their heads. They are marked. They are bold. They will not shrink back.

They are revival, burning hard and fierce. The fire in them is unquenchable.

Just wait. When you hear their voices you will know that they are sent. You will know that they are chosen.

But right now they are silent, weeping between porch and altar, being firmly rooted in an eternal paradigm. They are being sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace. And with those readied feet they will run over glass, coals, lava if they have to. They won't slow down. They won't draw attention to their own able feet but instead, they will proclaim that there is one on His way, one who they aren't worthy to tie the sandals of.

Get ready, nations, this remnant is being prepared. They will shake the entire world. They will ask questions that demand answers, they will carry an anointing that cannot be denied. They will not relent in their cries for heaven and mercy and miracles. The Truth is in them, and it is stirring, building, nearing the moment that it breaks forth.

You'll know it's time when you hear their voices. The nameless, faceless ones.

By Jessica Sowards & Freedom In Christ


  1. Someone just shared this with me yesterday. 8-12-21. Where did this come from?

  2. I'm sorry, it's been so long since I posted this that I don't remember.
