Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Brother’s A Snake! – A Dream I Had

Saturday, July 23, 2016

I’m not really sure how this dream started, I know the outside was a different house than I have not. There were guests over, I think I had just moved in and that was my housewarming party. But when I walked inside it was very similar to this house.

When I got to the back bedroom all my things had been rearranged and I was fussy about it asking why they, my Mother and brother, had moved everything around. My brother was standing at the back wall messing with something on the wall.

The next thing I knew I was sitting on the bed and he was laying down beside me on his stomach, I guess we were talking. Then when I looked down at him his tongue started to slide in and out of his mouth like a snake. I jumped and looked closer and he kept doing it. I screamed out to my mother to hurry and come in there but she was taking her sweet time, she was eating something and just thought I was being dramatic.

When she finally got to the hallway I said, “Look at Wayne!” It didn’t faze her. By this time his eyes were straight slits like a snake and I held his face still as he continued to slide his forked tongue in and out of his mouth. Mamma looked at it and again, it didn’t faze her.

By this time Mamma was sitting on the bed with me and Wayne was laying between us on his stomach so I held his head so she could look at him. I had a much better view of his tongue now, it was very long and thin except for the end where it split into three prongs. The two on the side were thick and the one in the middle was thinner. It was also the same color as a human tongue, not black like a snake. The next think I knew he was gone, I figured that he had slithered under the bed which was confirmed my something brown he threw up before he went under.

As I sat on the bed with my Mother I couldn’t talk at all. She of course was not understanding this. I kept mouthing to her, “PRAY FOR ME! PRAY FOR ME!!” but she just wasn’t understanding me. Finally I took her hand and put it on my mouth or chest and the other one on my head and mouthed again, “PRAY FOR ME!!!” Still nothing, she did not understand me and she did not pray for me.

By this time my brother was out from under the bed standing straight up and down saying that he had to leave. I kept trying to tell Mamma that we needed to pray for him but she just nothing but she got up to talk him out.

I took hold of his head and looked at him straight in the eyes and his eyes shifted back to straight slits. I was desperately trying to get Mamma to help me pray for him but she just stood there like she didn’t understand what was happening.

By this time we had backed up into the living room and as I was struggling to talk, to pray, it looked like he was smiling at me though his snake eyes and forked tongue. I keep trying to talk but nothing was coming out. Finally I started staying, “JES…JES…JES…” I was trying to scream out “JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!!” and he knew it too b/c he started to get scared. Then right as I said, “JESUS!!!” in the dream I was awake screaming, “JESUS!!!”


I believe that I have part of an interpretation for this dream. Obviously the snake represents demonic possession. And I believe that the reason his lounge had three prongs means that he lies to everyone; friends, family, and the people he works with. And I believe the vomit represents that is words have venom in them. His words are poisonous and wound people. But what I don’t understand is why my mother wasn’t reacting to anything b/c she wouldn’t be like that in real life. I also don’t understand why all of the sudden I couldn’t speak. Does that mean that satan is trying to silence my prayer life? 

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